Supernatural Love Ministries was founded by Bishop Fred Addo as a result of a vision shown to him by God, where he stood on the globe of the world in the hands of Jesus Christ and saw himself preaching and ministering to people of different colors and races and performing miracles.
In that vision the LORD spoke to him and said “I have been trying to use you as a miracle on earth, but you have been running away from me
The Supernatural Love Ministries (SLM) was founded by Bishop (Dr.) Fred Addo in 1986 in Gongola State (Now Adamawa state) Nigeria. Specifically, church service started on the 4th of January 1987 after a crusade in Jimeta, Yola.
This was sequel to a vision he saw earlier as a youth where as he stood on the globe of the world, the Lord spoke to him and told him…. go and share with the world the supernatural love of God. Show my people the way out of the wilderness and heal the sick, for I have made you a prophet to the nations and through you I will put laughter in the lives of many”
Aside from church planting, the SLM is also involved with mission outreach, education, health and training and releasing leaders for the work of the ministry of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. In 2016, the LORD asked Bishop Fred Addo to pass on the mantle of leadership of the Supernatural Love Ministries to his protégé Dr Calvin Akpazhi Antonza II.
The Holy Spirit had led our founder, Bishop Fred Addo, to step aside from his executive role as the President of the Ministry and hand over to a successor, who like Joshua, will lead the Supernatural Love Ministries into their promise land. In complete submission to God and obedience to these instructions, Bishop Fred Addo in Yola, on the 23rd of April 2016, handed over the entire Ministry to his ardent follower and protégé Dr Calvin Akpazhi Antonza II.
Bishop Fred Addo has been a father and mentor to Dr. Calvin Akpazhi Antonza II since 1983 when they met in the Ahmadu Bello University Zaria as undergraduate students.
Secretary General
Director of Churches
Asst Sec Gen
Director of Missions